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February 2016 Wrap-Up: Books and Reviews

March 3, 2016

Ye Grande Olde TBR(e) Challenge Update

I started February with 195 unread books sitting around my house. And I ended with … *drumroll* …198! I don’t know what happened this month. I didn’t think I was that busy, but somehow I wound up reading basically nothing in paper form. Listened to plenty of audiobooks, including some that I absolutely loved, but only one new graphic novel, and no paper books. Poor showing, self! March is not shaping up to be a whole lot better, but I’m going to see if I can do better about reading something on paper before the semester gets really crazily busy. (And maybe chipping away at that review backlog, which I can’t seem to make a dent in. Ugh.)

…anyways, let’s take a look at the breakdown:

Neutral books – Read, but don’t affect the TBR pile

Cruel Crown* by Victoria Aveyard
A Monstrous Regiment of Women* by Laurie R. King
Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen* by Lois McMaster Bujold
Madame Bovary* by Gustave Flaubert

Read But Not Owned (Graphic Novels)
The Wicked and the Divine, Vol. 2: Fandemonium by Kieron Gillen


The Wicked and the Divine, Vol. 1: The Faust Act by Kieron Gillen

Changes to the TBR pile

Added to my TBR pile (all-around shame!)
Remembrance by Meg Cabot The Winds of Folly by Seth Hunter
Lab Girl by Hope Jahren Non-TBR acquisitions (storage-space-related shame!)
Exploring the Titanic by Robert D. Ballard
Added to my eTBR pile (non-storage-space-related shame!)
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard * Pursuant to the discussion on this post, I’ve decided to create an eTBR pile for e-books and audiobooks that I accept for review or for which I actually pay money. I’m not adding them into my total TBR numbers, but I have to fess up about them somewhere. Keeps me honest.

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One Comment leave one →
  1. March 3, 2016 10:26 pm

    I wish I could get back to audiobooks. I have been really slacking!

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