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Sunday Salon: What to do when there’s no grading to do

November 22, 2009

The Sunday Salon.comHappy Sunday, all!

It’s been a pretty lazy weekend around here – the first in a while (and the last until the end of the semester) with no grading or other work responsibilities. (It’s been lovely.)

I spent yesterday morning running errands, and yesterday afternoon and this morning finishing The Gathering Storm, the newest Wheel of Time book by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. And, let me just say: AWESOME. It was fantastic, it was well worth waiting for, it reminded me why I love this series so much, and MAN, it made me wish that I had someone around to discuss it with. (And by discuss, I kind of mean jump up and down and go, “EEEEEeeeeEEE! Wasn’t that awesome when _________!? And when _________?? I know! EEee!!”) A few of my friends have read some of the WoT books (and I’ve managed to get a few more started on the series recently), but the only person I know in real life who’s read all 11 books is my dad, and he hasn’t even started the new one yet. Normally I will blather on about books to whoever will pretend to listen, but in this case I still hold out hope that I’ll manage to convert one of the holdouts into finally reading the series, so I can’t even blather on to them for fear of spoilers. So it looks I’m going to have to wait for my fangirl squealing, at least until my dad reads it.

Unless anyone out there is a WoT fan and wants to jump up and down and “squeee!” with me?

Anyhow, the rest of today is going to be dedicated to writing reviews (I’ve still got a moderate backlog that I’d like to clear up by the end of the month), and maybe doing some baking – I’ve got a recipe for Vegan Apple Cider Cupcakes that I want to try out while it’s still appropriately apple-cider-y weather.

What about you, readers? Big plans for the remainder of the weekend? Already prepping for the upcoming holidays? Read something awesome recently and need a place to vent your “Squeee!”-ing about it? Let’s hear it. :)

16 Comments leave one →
  1. November 22, 2009 4:12 pm

    Vegan Apple Cider Cupcakes sounds great – you should post the recipe.

    • November 23, 2009 10:14 am

      bermudaonion – They are very tasty! I always feel a little weird copying recipes straight out of cookbooks, though. At what point does it stop being fair use and start being plagiarism?

  2. November 22, 2009 4:14 pm

    I wish you could talk about it! I want to know why I should read the series!

    • November 23, 2009 10:19 am

      rhapsody – Oh, I’ll happily talk about why you should read the series as a whole. The number one reason for me is the characters. There are a LOT of them, but all of the main characters are so well-developed, and interesting, and just endearing. It had been several years since I’d read any of the books, but picking up the new one just felt like meeting up with old friends… I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed them. I am not being facetious when I say that I actually cheered OUT LOUD when one of them did something awesome.

      There’s also the incredibly intricate and expansive worldbuilding, the epic sweep of the story, the exciting adventures… plus, as there’s now 13 books (12 plus a prequel), they’ll keep you busy for a while. :)

  3. November 22, 2009 5:11 pm

    I’ve been reading all day today. Nice day.

  4. November 22, 2009 8:52 pm

    I agree with bermundaonion. The Vegan Apple Cider Cupcakes sound Yummy! If you post the recipe can you tell us what it (the cupcakes) tasted like. I’m rereading a few books today.

  5. November 22, 2009 9:03 pm

    I really need to read that series… I read book one, but haven’t gone any further.

  6. November 22, 2009 10:08 pm

    I am ever so very excited about Thanksgiving. I am not prepping for cooking anything on Thanksgiving, but I am preparing to feel incredibly happy on Thanksgiving when my wonderful relatives are going to make all sorts of heavenly things, most notably drunk chicken and dirty rice. GLORIOUS.

    • November 23, 2009 10:21 am

      Jenny – Drunk chicken sounds amazing! And may go some way to explaining the Pilgrims vs. Aliens picture. :)

  7. November 24, 2009 1:31 pm

    I’m so jealous! I’m only on #9 but it’s been so long! I almost need to re-read them all but then heard of the girl on Tor’s website that’s doing a synopsis/thoughts thing on all the books.

    Go chat with Heather of Age 30+ A lifetime of books. She’s read it AND helped during a book signing tour. So jealous!!

    • November 27, 2009 12:29 pm

      Amanda – I didn’t get my act together in enough time to do a full re-read; I just re-read Knife of Dreams (which was the only one I hadn’t read twice anyways). I figured I’d do a full re-read when the last book (finally) comes out.

  8. November 24, 2009 2:40 pm

    I’ve thought about reading the series but its huge!!

    I’m hoping to finish knitting a cardigan and read a few library books over the 4 day holiday. Most likely I’ll end up hauling all the Christmas stuff down and rearranging the furniture.

    • November 27, 2009 12:30 pm

      Carrie – It’s true, the series is really daunting. The good thing, though, is that if you like it, there’s lots of it to love. :)

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